Osman Mamoon Osman Mohamed is graduating with a degree in business administration.
Osman Mamoon Osman Mohamed is graduating with a degree in business administration.

Osman Mamoon Osman Mohamed: Embracing the Education City experience

As we approach Graduation Day for the Class of 2024, we are sharing the stories of just a few of these remarkable people who will receive their degrees on May 6. Today we learn more about Osman Mamoon Osman Mohamed, who is graduating with his degree in business administration.

The Education City community has been a place for friendship, growth, and opportunity for Osman Mamoon Osman Mohamed, a graduating senior in business administration at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q).

“I was on the CMU-Q football team for several semesters, and I met so many great people across Education City,” said Osman. “I cross-registered for some classes as well, so I feel I gained really valuable perspectives on the academics and culture of those campuses.”

Osman was selected as a Qatar Foundation Akhlaquna Award Ambassador, which deepened his commitment to community development and service to others. 

During his time at CMU-Q, Osman was fully engaged with student life, serving on the Student Majlis executive, and as a student representative for the Class of 2024. “My journey has taught me the value of giving back,” he said. 

For Osman, academics have been only one part of the educational experience. “I have grown so much as a person, and one of the main reasons is the supportive environment at CMU-Q,” he said. “My professors have been more than simply instructors. They are mentors and they believe in the students and they want us to reach our full potential.

After graduation, Osman will pursue a career in marketing and data analytics. 

“This has been a life-changing experience, and I am so excited to see what’s next.” 


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