About the Talk:
“Integrating Machine Learning and Social Science Methods: Toward a Data Intensive Social and Decision Science”
The social and decision sciences have had a long history of focusing on human decision making in a number of societal contexts. In particular, ideas drawn from the fields of economics, statistics, and operations research have been used to develop and estimate models of decision making and behavior. In recent years, with the availability of highly granular data about human decision making, machine learning has made significant contributions to decision support with a particular focus on prediction. In this talk, I will present work that seeks to combine methods from machine learning and from social and decision sciences to address questions in an interesting set of societal application contexts. The objective is to highlight opportunities for inter-disciplinary work that spans these boundaries and results in the development of what I refer to as a data intensive decision and social science.
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Ramayya Krishnan is the W. W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at the H. John Heinz III College and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy in the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. A faculty member at CMU since 1988, Krishnan was appointed Dean when the Heinz College was created in 2008. He was reappointed upon the completion of his first term as Dean in 2014.
Krishnan was educated at the Indian Institute of Technology and the University of Texas at Austin. He has a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, a Master’s degree in industrial engineering and operations research, and a PhD in Management Science and Information Systems. Krishnan’s research interests focus on consumer and social behavior in digitally instrumented environments. His work has addressed technical, policy and business problems that arise in these contexts and he has published extensively on these topics. He has served as Department Editor for Information Systems at Management Science, the premier journal of the Operations Research and Management Science Community. Krishnan is an INFORMS Fellow, a former member of the Global Agenda Council on Data Driven Development of the World Economic Forum, and a former President of the INFORMS Information Systems Society and the INFORMS Computing Society. He is the recipient of the prestigious Y. Nayuduamma award in 2015 for his contributions to telecommunications management and business technology. In 2017, he was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus award from the Indian Institute of Technology (Madras).